Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire

Over at the excellent Unmitigated England a recent post lamented the fashion for putting up ugly signs in the countryside, thereby messing up the scenery they’re designed to protect and confusing passers-by whose Health and Safety they’re meant to promote. Passing through Ross on Wye the other day I was reminded of an antidote to the visual illiteracy of such notices – this collection of old enamel advertising signs. Not only do these fine signs enliven a rather ordinary brick wall, they also bring to mind an evocative selection of mostly past brands, from Fry’s chocolate to Carreras Black Cat cigarettes, all instantly readable, immediately recognisable, and winningly memorable.


  1. Oh, wake up and have a reviving glass of Tizer! By the way, the picture would have been clearer had it been taken on a decent digital camera rather than on the modern equivalent of the Box Brownie, namely the camera in my mobile phone.

  2. A bit of a visual mish mash...but a treat nontheless.

  3. I've just come round, thanks for the tip about swigging Tizer. Did the trick. But that Black Cat sign....
