Thursday, April 12, 2012

A few old favourites

It is well over a year since I last did a “round-up” of favourite posts from this blog, with the aim of interesting readers who are new here and would like to explore further. A comment on my previous post, about military airfields and the hangars at Hullavington in Wiltshire, reminded me of a particular aspect of my posts that has pleased some readers: the way in which they are as much about atmosphere and sense of place as they are about architecture.

How buildings define or enhance or affect the character of a place is a huge subject, and one that can only be touched on in a short blog post. But it’s one I’m often aware of as I encounter buildings, and there are some posts where I think I’ve managed to evoke the relationship between place and building in ways that seem to strike chords with readers. These are very personal posts that chronicle my reactions and memories of a some very diverse buildings and places. They range from thoughts about how nature and architecture interact on the site of a ruined castle to a brief account of the relationship between buildings, lives, and businesses in one tiny, and formerly seedy, London block. Links to these and a few other posts follow.

Restored by silence and fading light: visiting an isolated Saxon church at Farmcote on top of the Cotswolds.

The greening of a ruin: picking a way through the stones and vegetation at Wigmore Castle.

It’s brains you want: ghost signs and why they matter. Looking at a crumbling piece of the sign-writer’s art in Gloucester.

Strangers on the shore: evocative hulks shoring up the bank of the River Severn at Purton.

Coming home: thoughts on buildings as landmarks, in particular a ruined barn at Burford.

Soho revived: uncovering pythons, lap-dancers, and secret passages in Moor Street, London.

An image of the country village: constructing perfection at Great Tew, and a brief addendum on the one-time decay of the village, from which it has recovered.


  1. As an artist who seems to spend an increasing amount of time cutting out bits of paper and assembling them into the shape of English buildings may I say how very much I appreciate your wonderful blog and look forward to each new posting?
    Thank you and keep up the superlative work.

  2. Philip, thank you for a reminder of why I enjoy your blog! You know that I'm a big fan already so I won't make you blush any more except to ask: Have you asked your publishers if there is a book in it?
    Many blogs have been turned into successful books. One of my favourite's is PostSecret about which I be posting shortly!
    Click here for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

  3. Amanda: Thank you so much for your appreciative comment. I've had a quick look at your own blog and will return – I especially admired the images with literary themes.

  4. Bazza: I've thought a lot about this and haven't decided yet. But there will be plenty of warning here if it happens!
