Friday, October 21, 2016

Ham Yard, London


It is my great pleasure to announce, to my utter astonishment, that this blog has won the Amara Award for Best Architecture Blog, for the second year running. This is indeed an accolade, and I want to thank the people who nominated the blog, all the friends who voted for it – thereby ensuring that it got on to the shortlist – and the judges who finally whittled that list down to a single winner.

As it was last year, the awards ceremony at the Ham Yard Hotel in London was highly enjoyable, with gracious hosting from Amara, many smiles and much appreciation from Sophie Robinson, who presented the awards, generous support from the sponsors (special thanks to Umbra, sponsors of my award) and a large crowd of enthusiastic people, including some fans of English Buildings.

There was much to take away from this occasion, not least the sense that there are a lot of people with interesting and engaging blogs in the world of interior design and that they blog because they love what they do and want to share designs, ideas, colours, objects, etc, etc, with the rest of us. And all of this is very positive – this is people telling others what they like, with the hope that they will like it too.

The list of winners in all the different categories is here.


  1. Congratulations - well deserved award, again. I, clearly one among many, look forward to the latest blog. Will it be somewhere I know? Will it be something I've noticed? If both, I pat myself on the back (!) if neither then I'm being educated entertainingly. Thank you.

  2. Big congratulations and well done, Philip. I watched the awards online and was so pleased to see that you'd won your category. Nice one. :)

  3. Congratulations - I don't think I have ever read a dull blog from you - and it also says something for all this country's builders and architects whether classical or quirky. many thanks.

  4. Congratulations! Well earned! I love waking up to find you blog posts in my in-basket. It's a lovely start to my day and I never fail to learn something new and interesting. May you hard work and knowledge continue to be recognized.

  5. Congratulations on a well desrved award, your blog is both informative and entertaining, long may it continue.

  6. Congratulations! You are one of my favourites - and clearly I am not the only one!

  7. Thank you all – and all those who have contacted me via email, Facebook, and other more traditional means, for your congratulations!
