Friday, April 10, 2020

Longborough, Gloucestershire


The huge southern window at Longborough featured in my previous post makes the church’s south transept gloriously light, especially on a sunny day like the one when I last visited. The downside is that this makes the two monuments placed beneath the window very difficult to photograph. My image shows the older of the two, a medieval knight, whose armour dates him to around 1325, when this part of the church was built. Could he have been the patron who paid for the extension to the building? Perhaps.

His image is very stylized and there’s not a lot of detail. It’s not – or at least not in its present state – outstanding sculpture in the way that the south window (see my previous post) is outstanding stonework. So when I aimed my camera at it, I went for atmosphere rather than detail, and made the image as contrasty as I could.


  1. Atmospheric? Yes, indeed! Love the way the cobweb appears - he needs a good wash and brush up - surely someone else loves him? Thank you and stay healthy.

  2. Per apse: Glad you spotted the cobweb! I should say that the church seems very well cared for on the whole.
